Typical Clients

Faculty, staff and leadership at colleges and universities

Senior executives, upper/middle level managers, and staff at organizations of all sizes including major corporations, small businesses, law firms, hospitals, non-profits, government officers

Mindfulness Training

Today’s global environment has us dealing with a pandemic, hybrid classrooms, distance learning, remote work, and an incomprehensible number of virtual meetings. We find ourselves in uncertain times, with jam-packed schedules, and relentless expectations to be productive. We are left feeling stressed, compromised in the ability to access our best thinking, disconnected from fundamental values, and putting our health and well-being at risk.

These kinds of individual challenges only become magnified when trying to manage organizational change. Whether reorganizing your institution toward a new student-focused Guided Pathways model or working to center DEI in your operations, change is hard.  Mindfulness training for you and your employees can help.

Mindful practices involve becoming aware of what we are sensing and feeling in the body, in the moment, and without interpretation or judgment. Developing this important set of skills enables us to strengthen our ability to be present and have a healthy outlook while remaining engaged to operate at our optimal potential. It also helps individuals and groups navigate the difficult emotions that often accompany shifts in organizational structure and culture.

ACEI-Global Consulting Group’s© mindfulness instructors equip you and your organization to meet the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly complex world and ensure that needed difficult conversations can be harnessed toward effective and holistic solutions.

What is Involved?

Mindfulness #8


ACEI-Global Consulting Gourp's© consultants take into consideration your specific needs and design a program customized for you and your team.  

  • For engagements singly focused on developing mindful practices, we provide a program that begins with the basics and builds on that for a deeper and more immersive on-going training program. We offer a variety of formats from single-session programs to weekly series and multi-date intensives. These can be delivered in-person, online, or hybrid. Reported organizational and individual benefits from developing mindful practices include greater:   
    • Belonging
    • Personal resilience
    • Patience
    • Creativity
    • Clarity
    • Stability               
  • For broader engagements that include mindfulness as part of other ACEI-GCG program, work (such as DEI or international student support), we blend in basic mindful practices as a key resource to facilitate open dialogue and collaborative solutions. Planning and delivery of these trainings will vary by institutional need and engagement structure.


Colleges and Universities like yours are increasingly understanding the important role of a sense of belonging in ensuring student success. Integrating mindful practices throughout your institution is a great way to support the fundamental well-being of students, faculty, and staff to grow and persevere in a very complex world.  Click here to find out more.